Wednesday, August 14, 2013


A picture of my coneflowers from my garden.  I love flowers and my flower gardens,  even though they get somewhat neglected with my canning business now.
My kitchen looks like a produce department at the local grocery store! I've had tomatoes, zucchini, onions, plums, peaches, apples, peppers, hot peppers, cucumbers tucked in boxes, bags and whatever else so I can to keep them handy and ready for use. Canning jars strung about the dining room and kitchen.  Who's kitchen doesn't look like this in mid August if you enjoy canning and gardening?  Sometimes I get a bit jealous when I read of others going to Farmers Markets in January and etc.  They are bringing home good tasting vegetables and it will be months before I can even buy a tomato plant let alone eat a fresh one from the garden! But I don't think I would ever want to live anywhere else. 

Over the last few weeks I have processed Bread and Butter Pickles, Yellow Squash Relish, Spaghetti Sauce, Seedless Bread and Butter Pickles and of course, many jars of jams and jellies!  It was fun doing the veggies...something different!  I even think I will do some Zucchini Salsa over the weekend!  :)

Wednesdays lately have been "Mom Work Days".  I can up jams and jellies throughout the week and on Wednesday, my mom comes up and will "clean" the jars for me so I could label them for the markets that begin on Thursdays.  It has been enjoyable and a nice way for her to "feel part of the business".   Today's lunch was fresh green beans, potatoes, onions, ham and kielbasa, simmered all morning.  I even baked fresh bread!  I topped a slice with fresh warm blackberry jam.  It was delicious! 

Enjoy life everyone.  I know this is rambling and not much sense to be made, but I guess that is how I am feeling right I look at the produce sitting here!

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